Web Software & Experience Design

When we launched rumblelabs.com earlier this year, we deliberately kept most of the pages on the site light on content. People often get hung up on providing as much information up front as possible (just like they do by trying to implement as many features as possible into an app). Therefore, we decided to launch what was necessary and then iterate, adding new content and pages when required.

So far we've added a few Case Studies showcasing our work and a Project Planner for potential clients to let us know about their project. Today we are launching a rejigged about section which helps explain what exactly we do in the Rumble Laboratory for our great clients.

The Web Software page provides a peek into our agile software development methodology, love of everything open source, what technologies we frequently use and finally the cloud services we integrate with.

Our Experience Design page delves into the creative processes we employ to get client projects off the ground and into development. We emphasise discovering as much up front as possible, user research and the development of a firm design strategy before diving into any prototyping or visual design work.

We love to share our inner workings because we're not only passionate about the things we build for but also the tools and processes that enabled their creation.

Get in Touch

Great! Tell us about it by completing our project planner. Doing so helps us better understand your requirements and in turn we can provide a more helpful response.

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